1. How do I log in to ResearchUVA?

Login to ResearchUVA. You'll be prompted for your NetBadge credentials. Principal investigators who have already submitted a proposal or have been granted an award, and Fiscal contacts named on projects will automatically be granted roles in ResearchUVA. Access to other roles can be requested through the Workday at https://www.myworkday.com/uva.  

2. Who needs to use ResearchUVA?

ResearchUVA is a research administration system that will strengthen and grown UVA’s research enterprise and the university’s competitive advantage. It is built for use by faculty, research and financial administrators, and senior administrative leaders (institutionally and within schools), representing a broad range of roles within the research enterprise.

3. I’m a faculty member. How does ResearchUVA help me?

We’ve built ResearchUVA to remove administrative burden and increase the power our users have for administering and managing their research proposals and awards. For faculty, this means freeing up time for more research. ResearchUVA gives faculty more independence and easy access to financials and other information about current research proposals and awards, whether faculty members are on campus or traveling. ResearchUVA can also help faculty identify new collaborators on campus and opportunities to expand research dollars.

4. I’m a School Administrator. How does ResearchUVA help me?

We’ve built ResearchUVA to remove administrative burden and increase the power our users have for administering and managing their school’s research proposals and projects. ResearchUVA gives school administrators real-time visibility into research activities underway in their organizations. This data – from faculty activity, to project timelines and delivery dates, to financial information and more – helps school administrators make more informed and strategic decisions.

5. I’m a Research or Financial Administrator. How does ResearchUVA help me?

ResearchUVA gives you real time access and visibility into your administrative activities and relevant award information. As new functionality is released, the system will reduce your administrative burden and provide further transparency into your research Administration activities from proposal development and submission to further integration with institutional systems. ResearchUVA also gives Research Administrators an opportunity to ensure the relevant data is clean and accurate as well as a platform for providing quality data and documents to the system.

6. How do I access ResearchUVA?

Faculty members, school and research administrators, and named fiscal contacts can log in to ResearchUVA at https://researchuva.virginia.edu.  You will be prompted for your NetBadge credentials.  PIs and Fiscal contacts named on awards and projects will automatically be granted roles in ResearchUVA. 

School Administrators (SA) can add the Department Chair role for individuals in their Major Business Unit (MBU). To do this, go to Admin > Manage Users. Then find the user in the Existing Users table who needs to have the Department Chair role added. Once found, click the Edit button on the right side of their record. A profile for the user will then come up, with a panel on the right showing their current roles, with an option to Add Role just below. Click the Add Role drop down, choose Department Chair, then select the radio button for Department, and then click on the Department drop down and select the Department where they should receive the role. Once selected, click Submit to add the role.  If the individual crosses MBUs, a request must be made to [email protected] to add the Department Chair role.

Access to other roles can be requested through the Workday System Access Request https://www.myworkday.com/uva.

7. What operating systems/browsers are supported?

ResearchUVA is designed to work in any modern web browser web browser (and we follow the University’s supported systems guidelines found at http://its.virginia.edu/support/technologies.html#browsers). However, it’s important to remember browser environments are dynamic and sometimes updates impact performance.  If ResearchUVA isn’t working in the browser you usually work in, try it in another one. If it still doesn’t work, contact us [email protected].

8. Where can I access training and help using ResearchUVA?

We are building ResearchUVA with rollover capabilities for on screen help and extra information. That means when you hover your cursor over column content with dotted lines, you can hover over those to get additional information.

Additionally, the user can click anywhere the “question mark” icon appears and get additional information:

We are also working on some ResearchUVA 101 training materials, which we'll post as soon as they're ready. In the meantime, if you're stuck, email us at [email protected]. We check this email frequently.

9. Can I access ResearchUVA on my mobile device or tablet?

Yes, you can access the site on mobile devices, but we don’t recommend it! While ResearchUVA is a responsive site, the information in the site isn’t conducive to mobile. It’s a grid format that is best viewed on desktops.

10. Can I customize the ResearchUVA layout for my needs?

Yes, there are a few customization options.

First, users can change the order of boxes on their dashboard. To do this, go to the Dashboard and then find the Fast Facts, Proposal Forms in Process, and other boxes in the main column. Place the cursor over the box you want to move. When the cursor becomes a cross, click the mouse button and drag the box to where you want it. The order selected will be maintained for that user. The original arrangement can be reset by going to Settings > Reset Dashboard Layout.

Second, users can select the date ranges they want to see appear in Fast Facts for awards, projects, and proposals ending in the next week, two weeks 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days. This can be done under Settings > Other Settings. 

11. What search options are available?

Basic search capabilities are available for Research Administrator, School Administrator, and Fiscal Contact roles. These can be found through the Dashboard > Role (such as Fiscal or School) and then at the bottom of the page. The capabilities include searching by number, PI name, title/name/description of project, or the sponsor name. 

Advanced search capabilities can be found by changing the Search Type (as shown on the previous image) to Advanced. These capabilities offer the ability to limit the search to fields within specific types of content. This includes the ability to search the "Additional Info" field on actions, as shown below.

12. Where can I find a List of all Action Types and Statuses?
Group Name-Category in Actions Box Action type Action Sub-Type Definitions for Action Type Final Status List
Proposal Proposal   Official document issued by UVA and submitted to sponsor in response to solicitation for a specific funded research project. Assigned
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Post-Proposal At-Risk Preliminary   At-Risk preliminary actions  are used for the initial creation of a PTAO when funding has been assured by a sponsor and work and expenses have been approved by the Dean's Offfice, but official award documents have not yet been received and no account currently exists in the Integrated System.
(may apply to DOD or other sponsors)
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Post-Proposal Just in Time / Pre-Award Docs   Sponsor is moving forward with award notification or proposal acceptance and requires additional information. Just in time could be any one or more of the following: Revised Proposal Budget, Other Support, IRB approval, IACUC approval, Human Subjects education, Human embryonic Stem Cells, Genomic Data Sharing, SBIR/STTR certification, etc. Assigned
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Post-Proposal Offer Acknowledgement   Sponsor, other than NIH, is moving forward with award notification or proposal acceptance and requires additional information, like any one or more of the following: Revised Proposal Budget, Other Support, IRB approval, IACUC approval, Human Subjects education, Human embryonic Stem Cells, Genomic Data Sharing, SBIR/STTR certification, ACH Form, W-9, other acceptance documents, etc. Action Needed Sponsor
Submitted to Sponsor
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Post-Proposal Activation/Payback   Activation/Payback documentation that NIH requires the Fellow to complete, AOR to approve and return prior to issuing the award. Action Needed Sponsor
Submitted to Sponsor
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Award At-Risk Account/Extension   At-Risk extension actions are used for the continuation of a PTAO when funding has been assured by a sponsor and work and expenses have been approved by the Dean's Offfice, until official award documents are received. This may or may not require a new PTAO. Action Needed Sponsor
Submitted to Sponsor
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Award Internal Systems Mod (ISM) Pre-award costs
No-Cost Extension
Budget Transfer
Internal Budget Transfer / Internal Projects
Updates needed to UVA systems (ResearchUVA, Oracle) that do not require sponsor approval, such as, Pre-award costs, NCE, budget transfer, internal project additions, etc. Action Needed Sponsor
Submitted to Sponsor.
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Award NOA Bilateral - New   Sponsor issues award, subject to an agreement signed by both parties (or multiple parties). Typically, terms need to be negotiated.

Question: How do we distinguish Clinical Trials? Pull research type clinical trial and display it
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Award NOA Bilateral - MOD Change PI / Key Personnel
Change Scope
Pre-Award Costs
PI/Award Transfer
Change Sponsor
Early Termination
Revised End Date
Modification or Amendment to the award that requires agreement/signature by both (or multiple) parties.

Question: How do we distinguish Clinical Trials? Pull research type clinical trial and display it
Initial Draft/Review in Process
Initial Draft/Review: Action Needed Sponsor
Initial Draft/Review: Action Needed UVA
Initial Draft/Review: Action Needed School
1st Redlines/Initial Draft to Sponsor
Negotiation in Process
Negotiation in Process: Action Needed Sponsor
Negotiation in Process: Action Needed UVA
Negotiation in Process: Action Needed School
Signature in Process: School
Signature in Process: Sponsor
Signature in Process: UVA
Fully Executed
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Award NOA Unilateral - New   Sponsor accepted proposal (including JIT or other revisions prior to award) and provided terms that are accepted upon receipt of NOA or funds. Typically, no negotiation of terms is required. Initial Draft/Review in Process
Initial Draft/Review: Action Needed Sponsor
Initial Draft/Review: Action Needed UVA
Initial Draft/Review: Action Needed School
1st Redlines/Initial Draft to Sponsor
Negotiation in Process
Negotiation in Process: Action Needed Sponsor
Negotiation in Process: Action Needed UVA
Negotiation in Process: Action Needed School
Submitted to Sponsor
Signature in Process: School
Signature in Process: Sponsor
Signature in Process: UVA
Fully Executed
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Award NOA Unilateral - MOD Change PI / Key Personnel
Change Scope
Pre-Award Costs
PI/Award Transfer 
Change Sponsor
Early Termination
No Cost Extension/ End date extension
Modification or Amendment to the award that has sponsor pre-approval. UVA may or may not need to submit a request for a change to the original agreement.

Question: How do we distinguish Clinical Trials? Pull research type clinical trial and display it
Action Needed Sponsor
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Award Reporting Financial Reporting
Invention/Patent Reporting
Progress/Technical Reporting
Property/Equipment Reporting
Reports that may or may not require investigation and approval by AOR, and may or may not need to be uploaded into sponsor portal. Action Needed Sponsor
Submitted to Sponsor
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Financial Info Cash Funding Adjustment   (“Budget Bump”) initiated by the Post-A cash team
Submitted to Sponsor
Submitted to Sponsor System
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Financial Info Cost Share Companion Account   Request to set up a companion PTAO for cost sharing; initiated by Pre-A and assigned to Post-A compliance team. Assigned
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Financial Info Expenditure Credit   Vendor refunds are issued as payments that need to be posted to the PTAO as credit to the original expenditure. This action is initiated by the Post-A cash team and assigned to Post-A accountant (Award Manager). Assigned
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Financial Info Federal Costing Exception Request   Project has restrictions on expenditures via transaction controls. Departments request to lift the restriction on the expenditure type, received at ospnoa or osppost award email and assigned to Post Award accountant (Award Manager). Assigned
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Financial Info Payment   When a payment received by the Post-A Cash team requires an action by the Post-A accountant (need invoice to apply cash), this action will be used. This action is also used when Post-A Cash team determines that the Pre-A/Contract team need to create a PTAO in Oracle for Post A accountant to generate invoice and apply cash. Assigned
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Financial Info Refund   When a sponsor needs to get a refund from UVA, this action will be used; it will be initiated by the Post-A accountant….assigned to Post-A cash team. Assigned
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Financial Info Residual (RG)   Fixed price contracts, including clinical trials, or other awards where UVA gets to retain unspent balance on a sponsored project, this action will be used. This will be initiated by the department and assigned to Post-A. Assigned
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Non-Funded Agreements Academic Program Agreement - Mod   Modification or Amendment of the Agreement type described above. Refer to "NOA Bilateral - Mod" Statuses
Non-Funded Agreements Academic Program Agreement - New   Any contract or expression of intent between the University and another institution or organization to establish a joint educational program, a collaborative academic relationship, or a research activity unrelated to approved sponsored research. OSP may or may not be the appropriate signatory. If a request is submitted to OSP, we will coordinate and/or communicate with other offices as appropriate. Refer to: http://uvapolicy.virginia.edu/policy/fin-035 and http://provost.virginia.edu/guidelines-developing-some-common-types-acad... Refer to "NOA Bilateral - New" Statuses
Non-Funded Agreements> CDA/NDA - Mod Incominb
Modification or Amendment of the Agreement type described above.  
Non-Funded Agreements CDA/NDA - New Incominb
An agreement to keep certain information confidential. These can apply confidentiality obligations only to one party (unilateral) or can apply the obligations to both parties to the contract (bilateral). Refer to "NOA Bilateral - New" Statuses
Non-Funded Agreements Collaboration Agreement - Mod   Modification or Amendment of the Agreement type described above. Refer to "NOA Bilateral - Mod" Statuses
Non-Funded Agreements Collaboration Agreement - New   An agreement to conduct research, where both parties bear their own costs. Refer to "NOA Bilateral - New" Statuses
Non-Funded Agreements Consortium or Membership - Mod   Modification or Amendment of the Agreement type described above. Refer to "NOA Bilateral - Mod" Statuses
Non-Funded Agreements Consortium or Membership - New   An agreement that supports cooperative research efforts conducted by various universities, research institutes, government, and/or industry partners. These agreements do not have specific funding included, but rather outline the general framework of how the collective group will interact with respect to research. Refer to "NOA Bilateral - New" Statuses
Non-Funded Agreements DUA - Mod Incominb
Modification or Amendment of the Agreement type described above. Refer to "NOA Bilateral - Mod" Statuses
Non-Funded Agreements DUA - New Incominb
An agreement to receive data from another party. An agreement to send data to another party. An agreement to receive data from another party and to send data to another party. Refer to "NOA Bilateral - New" Statuses
Non-Funded Agreements Intellectual Property Agreement - Mod   Modification or Amendment of the Agreement type described below. Refer to "NOA Bilateral - Mod" Statuses
Non-Funded Agreements Intellectual Property Agreement - New   An agreement to define the management of IP for a specific program per sponsor requirements. Refer to "NOA Bilateral - New" Statuses
Non-Funded Agreements License Agreement - Mod Incominb
Modification or Amendment of the Agreement type described above. Refer to "NOA Bilateral - Mod" Statuses
Non-Funded Agreements License Agreement - New Incominb
An agreement to provide or obtain the right to use certain software or other proprietary assets for research purposes without any charge ($0). (Note: License Agreements where payment is exchanged will be handled by the UVA Licensing and Ventures Group or Procurement Services, as appropriate.) Refer to "NOA Bilateral - New" Statuses
Non-Funded Agreements Loan Agreement - Mod Incominb
Modification or Amendment of the Agreement type described above. Refer to "NOA Bilateral - Mod" Statuses
Non-Funded Agreements Loan Agreement - New Incominb
An agreement to provide or obtain physical assets for research purposes without any charge ($0). (Note: Loan Agreements where payment is required will be handled by Procurement Services.) Refer to "NOA Bilateral - New" Statuses
Non-Funded Agreements MTA - Mod Incominb
Modification or Amendment of the Agreement type described above. Refer to "NOA Bilateral - Mod" Statuses
Non-Funded Agreements MTA - New Incominb
An agreement to receive materials from another party. An agreement to receive materials from another party and to send materials to another party. An agreement to send materials to another party. Refer to "NOA Bilateral - New" Statuses
Non-Funded Agreements Teaming Agreement - Mod   Modification or Amendment of the Agreement type described above. Refer to "NOA Bilateral - Mod" Statuses
Non-Funded Agreements Teaming Agreement - New   An agreement to work together for a specific purpose; typically, the parties agree to work together to respond to a Request For Proposal (RFP) issued by a government agency. Refer to "NOA Bilateral - New" Statuses
Outgoing Subcontracts Outgoing Subcontracts Request
Cost Reimbursement
Fixed Price
Clinical Trial
Extra-mural research collaboration is documented with a binding agreement (Subcontract or Subaward Agreement) signed between UVA and the external collaborator.
Based on the Prime Agreement terms, the Subcontract/Subaward Agreement is issued as any of the following options:
Cost Reimbursement: Reimbursement to the Subrecipient is based on actual encurred costs, after Subrecipient submits an invoice.  Invoicing frequency is normally either monthly or quarterly.

Fixed Price: Reimbursement to the Subrecipient is based on actual deliverables and performance.  This type of agreement is used when a) the Prime Agreement allows UVa to issue this type of agreements, and b) if the Subrecipient is deemed high risk of non-compliance with Sponsor's regulations, and the preferred method to monitor Subrcipient's performance is through the execution of the scope of work.

Clinical Trial: Study approved to include Human Subject Research ad defined by 45 CFR 46.  Reimbursement to Subrecipient is based on a) full execution of agreement entitles Subrecipient their start-up costs, b) report of enrolled patients.

Other: Can be a Clinical Trial with a cost-reimbursement component (hybrid agreement).
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Outgoing Subcontracts Outgoing Subcontracts - Mod Incremental funding-- Unilateral, Bilateral
No-Cost Extension--Unilateral, Bilateral

Change of PI--Unilateral, Bilateral

Rebudgeting/Carryforward--Unilateral, Bilateral

Early Termination--Unilateral, Bilateral

Other--Unilateral, Bilateral
Modification or Amendment to the Subcontract/Subaward that required mutual acknolwedgement (bilateral) of only UVa's signature (unitaleral). Action Needed Subrecipient
Action Needed Sponsor
Initial Draft to Subrecipient
Negotiation in Process
Negotiation in Process: Action Needed Subrecipient
Negotiation in Process: Action Needed UVA
Negotiation in Process: Action Needed School
Signature in Process: Subrecipient
Signature in Process: UVA
Fully Executed
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing
Outgoing Subcontracts Outgoing Subcontracts - Internal System Mod No-Cost Extension
Budget Transfer
Industry Sponsored Outgoing Subcontracts agreements for Clinical Trial studies are normally issued with open ended period of performance, and budget/funding is the system based on a per-patient enrollment/payment to the Subrecipient.   Action Needed Subrecipient
Action Needed Sponsor
Initial Draft to Subrecipient
Negotiation in Process
Negotiation in Process: Action Needed Subrecipient
Negotiation in Process: Action Needed UVA
Negotiation in Process: Action Needed School
Signature in Process: Subrecipient
Signature in Process: UVA
Fully Executed
Action Needed UVA
Action Needed School
On Hold
Approved for Processing

ResearchUVA Status Definitions: 

Status Name Definitions for Status
1st Redlines/Initial Draft to Sponsor 1st redlines or initial draft have been to sponsor.
Abandoned Agreement, external/internal request or internal system update has been abandoned by sponsor, school, subrecipient, department or PI.
Action Needed School Action is pending information, documentation, confirmation or approval from School, PI, or Department
Action Needed Sponsor Information, documentation or confirmation has been requested from sponsor.
Action Needed Subrecipient Information, documentation or confirmation has been requested from subrecipient.
Action Needed UVA Action is pending information, documentation, confirmation or approval from non-school units within UVA
Approved for Processing Action is ready for internal systems creation, update or processing.  
Assigned Assignment to Central Office or Team or Individual
Fully Executed Agreement is fully executed or complete. Actions may still need to be completed to finalize action.
Initial Draft to Subrecipient Subrecipient risk assessment is complete and Subaward/Subcontract agreement has been sent to Subrecipient for review/comments.
Initial Draft/Review in Process Agreement draft or review has been initiated.
Initial Draft/Review: Action Needed School Response time from school during initial draft/review period is outside of standard response time for requested information, documentation or confirmation.
Initial Draft/Review: Action Needed Sponsor Response time from sponsor or party to the agreement during initial draft/review period is outside of standard response time for requested information, documentation or confirmation.
Initial Draft/Review: Action Needed UVA Response time from non-school units within UVA during initial draft/review period is outside of standard response time for requested information, documentation or confirmation.
Negotiation in Process Sponsor or Subrecipient has responded to 1st redlines/draft and negotiations are proceeding with standard response times.
Negotiation in Process: Action Needed School Response time from school during negotiation period is outside of standard response time for information, documentation or confirmation.
Negotiation in Process: Action Needed Sponsor Response time from sponsor during negotiation period is outside of standard response time for redlines, information, documentation or confirmation.
Negotiation in Process: Action Needed Subrecipient UVA has returned redlined agreement/amendment to Subrecipient
Negotiation in Process: Action Needed UVA Response time from non-school units within UVA during negotiation period is outside of standard response time for information, documentation or confirmation.
On Hold Agreement, external/internal request or internal system update has been put on hold by sponsor, school, department, PI, or subrecipient.
Signature In Process: School Agreement has been sent to School for approval.
Signature In Process: Sponsor Agreement has been sent to Sponsor for approval.
Signature in Process: Subrecipient Final agreement/amendment has been sent to Subrecipient for signature.
Signature in Process: UVA Agreement has been sent to UVA signatory for institutional approval.
Submitted to Sponsor Status does not apply to bilateral agreements. Submitted information or document to Sponsor or entered into sponsor system.

Background and General Information

13. What is ResearchUVA?

ResearchUVA is an in-house-developed software platform changing the way we pursue, manage and think about sponsored programs. Users include faculty, research and financial administrators, and senior administrative leaders (institutionally and within schools), representing a broad range of roles within the research enterprise.

14. How does ResearchUVA benefit the University of Virginia?

ResearchUVA is at the center of UVA’s strategic goals relating to research, helping the University become more competitive, more compliant, and more intelligent than its peers. We needed a system to collect and help us analyze data about the research we do at UVA to ensure we:

Maintain the value of our research enterprise by tracking our existing activities to see how efficiently and effectively we are managing our resources; Create more value and grow research at UVa by enabling us to identify new opportunities, expand existing ones, and facilitate interdisciplinary growth.

15. Is ResearchUVA just for sponsored research?

Yes, the system today is focused on sponsored research only.

16. Why is ResearchUVA taking so long to develop?

ResearchUVA began as a small project to scan documents. Today, it is a project funded by $2.9M from UVa’s Strategic Investment Fund to develop an enterprise-level system to support sponsored research proposal development, submission, and management.

We are building ResearchUVA for and with its users, meaning the system is continuously evolving in response to user input.

It’s important to remember that developing a robust and secure system like this takes time. Using the Agile framework, we set project priorities with input from the ResearchUVA project team after gathering feedback from the larger research community and Research UVA user base. Business needs along with technical considerations go into these priorities to deliver new functionality in an efficient and strategic manner.

Every three weeks, we set new project priorities and milestones at the same time as fix bugs and implement urgent, high-importance system changes. For insight into our current priorities and milestones, see What We're Working On.

17. Who decides ResearchUVA’s development priorities?

We are building the system for and with its users, using an Agile development approach, meaning we set our development priorities in response to the input our stakeholders give us. This varies, from the strategic direction we receive from the Board of Visitors to requests for user functionality that we get the people who use our system every day.

18. Why did we decide to build ResearchUVA ourselves, and not buy an off-the-shelf vendor solution?

Building our own system gives us an agile and flexible solution that can evolve over time, in response to our user needs and requirements. We chose not to purchase a system to avoid being constrained by vendor capabilities and the functionality these systems offered. We wanted a research-administration solution that we can customize ourselves to meet our users’ specific needs and wants.

19. What other University systems or external data sets does ResearchUVA connect to?

Today, ResearchUVA connects to Oracle and legacy research administration systems within the Office of Sponsored Programs (e.g., the grants administration system (GAS)). The graphic below illustrates what’s currently integrated and what is planned for the future.

Graphic illustrating how current and planned integrations for ResearchUVA and other UVA systems