What is ResearchUVA

What is ResearchUVA

ResearchUVA is an in-house-developed software platform changing the way we pursue, manage, and think about sponsored programs

ResearchUVA is at the center of UVA's strategic goals relating to research, helping us become more competitive, more compliant, and more intelligent. People across Grounds, in many different roles, are using ResearchUVA every day. For some, ResearchUVA is a portal for monitoring financial activity on sponsored programs. For others, it's an easy-access archive for agreements and documents supporting research. Many use it as a window into the status of sponsored-program transactions, including those requiring institutional review and endorsement. It has become the University's platform for assembling and routing all proposals internally (read more about electronic proposal routing here).

What can you do today in ResearchUVA?

With just a few clicks, and the appropriate user permissions, you can:

  • Find out about awards representing collaborative and interdisciplinary research
  • View information about non-funded or zero-dollar value agreements critical to research programs (including MTAs, NDAs, DUAs, and MOUs)
  • Search documents in the system using enhanced document-search capability along with Optical Character Recognition (NOTE: this functionality is currently limited to users with certain roles and permissions)
  • See the number and dollar value of proposals submitted per month and per year at UVA, and ways to visualize data beyond tables and spreadsheets (using Juice, the Sponsored Programs Dashboard).

ResearchUVa Tour

The following videos offer an online tour of the ResearchUVa portal to demonstrate key features and navigation!  

We appreciate your help with ensuring that the ResearchUVa launch proceeds smoothly.  We believe that researchers and administrators will find the system intuitive to use and informative and look forward to partnering with you on any issues you may encounter.  We welcome feedback as we continue to work on future enhancements and features to serve the research community.

We are building ResearchUVA for and with the people who use the system

ResearchUVA users come from across the University: faculty, research and financial administrators, and senior administrative leaders (institutionally and within schools), representing a broad set of individuals within the research enterprise. The system will continue to evolve over time, in response to user feedback and the strategic priorities of our University. The project is currently funded by the Strategic Investment Fund. Additional project oversight is provided by Organizational Excellence and by the Research Administration Improvement Team.

For help, please email the [email protected] listserv.